Monday, February 4, 2013

Alberto Seveso

Alberto Seveso was born in Milan, Italy in 1976. He spent most of his life on an island named Sardinia. Saveso started his digital art in the early ‘90s using Deluxe Paint. In the mid 90s he switched to being a street artist and then moved to Rome and began his career as a graphic designer and illustrator. He did not take any classes on design. He created a technique entitled “sperm shaping” which basically blends vectors on an image to look like sperm.
After looking at some of his pieces I have decided that this is definitely one of my favorites. It was done for "Olmeca Fusion" alcohol. I like the explosion of color in the background that contrasts with the off-white of the alcohol in the center. The main color in the image is green and then many other colors are added. The crazy shapes behind the alcohol bottle are all bright and happy colors, placed there to show happy times when drinking and good experiences. I also noticed that the extravagent shapes end at the bottom of the picture, as if there was some control with the craziness of the image. This could hint at safe times drinking as well.

I really like this image because it seems to be very bright and happy. The colors all work well together and create a "popping" image that draws the eye into the center. The abstract shapes are also very happy and creative. I was also really interested in the fact that Alberto Seveso uses Photoshop to create most of his images because that is what we use in class. Overall, I think that the image is a great advertisement and grabs an audience's attention. I do not know how the image could be better, but it would be interesting to see the same image done with a different background color (instead of green). 

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